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Happy New Year! We are looking forward to another RECS Year. 
There are many things happening in the next few months in preparation for the 2018 RECS.
If you submitted a proposal for the conference, you will be notified of the final decision by the end of March. This year we received many high quality proposals. To those who submitted, thank you for your efforts and for your valuable work.
Online registration will open in early March. If you haven't already, consider signing up for our emails to stay up-to-date on registration and RECS happenings. 
New Findings from Pathways for Advancing Careers and Education(PACE)!
Implementation and early impact findings from the nine career pathways programs in the PACE study are being released!
new report on Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement shows it significantly increased rates of full-time college enrollment. Findings also show that treatment group members earned significantly more college credits.
Welfare Rules Databook
Many RECS presentations over the years have used the Welfare Rules DatabookCheck out the latest edition that provides detailed information on how states provide cash assistance under TANF. Visit the interactive search tool to compare policies across states and time.

RECS Email Sign-Up

To stay up-to-date on RECS happenings and related work, please sign up for our email list by clicking the button below.
RECS Email Sign-Up

Join Us At Our New Location!

Please note that the RECS will be held in a new location this year. The 2018 RECS will be held at the Renaissance Downtown Washington DC hotel, which is centrally located and easily accessible. 
For your convenience a block of rooms has been reserved at a discounted rate for attendees of the 2018 RECS. The discounted room rate at the hotel is $242 per night (single or double occupancy)‚ plus applicable state and local taxes which are currently 14.5%. To receive this discounted rate, attendees must make reservations with the hotel by Friday, May 12, 2018. After May 12‚ reservations will be accepted on a space available basis and may be at a significantly higher rate.
To make hotel reservations, participants can contact the Renaissance Downtown Washington DC hotel by phone at (800) 468-3571. Use the group name "2018 RECS” when making your reservations to receive the discounted room rate. Additionally, reservations can be made through the hotel’s online reservation system The group code for the discounted conference room rate automatically will be applied when you make your reservation online through the link provided.


Please direct questions about conference content to Tiffany McCormack (Tiffany.McCormack@acf.hhs.gov) or Amelia Popham (Amelia.Popham@ acf.hhs.gov).
Please direct any general questions about conference logistics to recs@impaqint.com.
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